A calm pet is a happy, furry family member.
Gather pet records
If you are moving a considerable distance away from your current home, secure all of your pets records from your current veterinarian.
Passport & vaccinations
Ensure that your pet has a current valid passport, microchip, & has received all of the necessary vaccinations for your destination country.
(See detailed link below)
Update Tags With New Address
It is crucial to update your pet’s tags with proper identification including up-to-date contact information and your new home’s address. Including a cell phone number is best, as your new home phone may not be connected yet.
Food & water
Keep their food & water bowls & enough food to last until your shipment arrives, separate & with you when you move.
Keep them calm & stress free
Pets can easily be stressed out during moves, keep them away from the chaos that can ensue on moving day. Settle them in a separate room with a do not disturb sign on the door or maybe ask a friend or family member to care for them while movers are in the house.
When Travelling Protect Your Pets
If you are transporting your pet to your new home by car keep them safe in their separate area. If flying, ensure that you and your pet meet all necessary airline requirements & purchase a proper crate for their travels. Consult your veterinarian before making flying arrangements, as not all pets are fit to do so.
Research a new vet for your new location, ask your former veterinary clinic or other pet owners for a referral.

Useful links
Information on passport & vaccination requirements worldwide:
Airline pet policies:
An informative article with insights supplied by dog psychologist John Hale: